When conventional lenders (such as banks or credit unions) deny mortgage financing, it can be easy to feel discouraged. However, it is important to remember that there is always an alternative!
November 15, 2021
October 15, 2021
October 15, 2021
October 15, 2021
For those of us who are residential landlords or for those aspiring to be there is a relatively new piece of legislation that we need to be aware of. It’s called the “Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act 2020”. Its effects are quite far-reaching. It makes amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act 2006, the Housing Services Act 2011, and The Building Code 1992 and it replaces the Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act.
October 15, 2021
In order to get a somewhat clear understanding of the real estate market today, where it’s at and where it’s going, there are three measuring sticks I’d like to use. The number of units sold over the past month. The average sale price of homes across the region. And the total number of new listings registered in September. By assessing each of those numbers and then comparing them to past months and even past years, we should be in a position to spot trends and perhaps from that extrapolate where things are headed.
October 15, 2021
Throughout human history, society has developed various institutions to make determinations of fact and falsehood, right and wrong, guilty, not guilty and innocent. While it is trite to observe that the contemporary exercise of justice has at its centre the process of a trial, it may seem disparaging to remark that justice does not depend upon the discovery of truth for its operation. Consider that the standard for determining fact in civil trial is on a balance of probabilities, while the threshold for the purpose of criminal findings is beyond a reasonable doubt. It is worth reviewing the historical genesis of trials to map out the delivery of justice in the future, one that is appropriate for the information age we inhab
September 15, 2021
I love Montreal. How can you not? There’s so much to see and do. Wander the cobblestone streets of Old Montreal. Frequent the unique shops or enjoy dining at the wonderful patio of The Old Port Steak House or Nelson’s Jardin. Head up to the mountain to Beaver Lake. Just a great spot to wander and enjoy. And eateries, Schwartz’s on St Laurent Blvd., famous for its smoked meat. Dunn’s in downtown. Or if you enjoy the fabulous French Canadians tradition of a sugar bush adventure, you can find it 12 months of the year at the Sucrerie De La Montagne.
September 15, 2021
Over the past 5 years, property values have gone up. A lot! In fact, here in Niagara, we’re told prices are up a whopping 135%. And along with that upward movement on prices rental rates have skyrocketed as well. But that’s market rent.