May 17th 2022
A couple of issues ago we began a series of articles featuring changes that have impacted the real estate industry over the years and which have been embraced by RE/MAX Garden City Realty Inc. We began by looking at technology. Indeed, nothing has had a more dramatic effect on the way real estate offices operate than technology. Agents can now do transactions remotely. Offers are created and even presented by e-mail. Properties can be viewed online and can be showcased on social media. Because of technology, real estate offices can grow to sizes never imagined a few years ago and salespeople can now develop teams that dwarf the size and impact of entire offices of yesteryear.
But today, I’d like to talk about marketing. For somewhere in the neighbourhood of 30 years now we have operated an in-house marketing department here at RE/MAX Garden City Realty Inc. We began with a pretty simple colour photocopier and a talented staff. With those components, we were able to create some pretty sophisticated feature sheets as well as promotional pieces.
We had some absolutely great staff over the years but over time the process developed into more of a department than a service. We hired a marketing director, Allen Miller who provided ideas as well as expertise in pagination and binding, and Lindsay Allison, who for more than 15 years was a very talented graphic artist who made all things beautiful. The facility moved to its own space within our office and equipment grew to a photocopier/printer that could provide quality and size that rivaled many a custom print shop. Cutting, trimming, stapling and binding were all added to the services provided. Then with the retirement of Allen Miller, Lindsay stepped up to not only design an amazing assortment of promotional pieces but to handle agent interaction and consultations as well. Amber Bull joined the staff about that time and grew to become a fabulous artist/designer in her own right.
Then Lindsay in 2018 made a huge career leap. After years in the graphic and creative field, he decided to get his real estate license and join the company as a salesperson. Today, while he is missed in the marketing department, he has proven to be a man of many talents, establishing himself as one of the very outstanding realtors in the area.
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Amber at that point stepped into the leadership role of the marketing department and the company never missed a beat. For 10 years Amber demonstrated her incredible talent by creating everything from feature sheets, presentation booklets, just listed and just sold cards to personal promotional pieces and custom creations for Agents and companies alike. Designing posters, and Award Gala booklets. The list goes on.
Then Amber decided it was time to move away from creativity altogether and explore other avenues of employment. She is sorely missed, but I’m pleased to say that we were fortunate to find a new candidate in the form of Megan Beam. Megan, with a degree in marketing and graphic design and tons of talent, has stepped into the Marketing role and risen to every challenge that has come her way. We are blessed.
Speaking of blessed, I would be remiss to not mention Susan Dagenais. Over 25 years ago Susan began at our front desk but soon moved into the marketing department, handling all the newspaper advertising and print media that the company places in the various newspapers throughout the region. With the decline of newsprint advertising, Susan found the time to learn and handle compliance and processing of DLC Easy Street Mortgages while still working part-time out of our Marketing Department with agent services orienting New Agents, ordering their cards and signs, and a host of other tasks like proofreading and approval before articles like this Newsletter go to press.